Story Type: Sister Story
Sister Megan Brown reads her poem
Sister Mary Bilderback reads her poem
Sister Fran McManus reads her poem
Sister Angela Fellin reads her poems
Joys of Poetry Spoken Aloud: A Mercy Series
Sister Ann Quigley reads her poems
What do They Hear Now in East Palestine, Ohio?
Sisters: What We Look Like from the Inside
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Dream Unrealized
Philippines sisters respond to Christmas flooding and landslides
By Catherine Walsh, Features Writer – Flooding and landslides caused by torrential Christmas rains in the southern Philippines moved Sisters of Mercy there to spring into action to offer help to those affected. Amid the relentless rain, Sister Helen Libo-on, a local leader of the sisters, called Sister Virgencita “JenJen” Alegado, a fellow leader. “I told her, ‘JenJen, we are in trouble here!’”
Overcoming Racism with Mercy: Two Black Sisters of Mercy Share Their Stories
As part of our commemoration of Black Catholic History Month, we share this story of two Sisters of Mercy — Sister Larretta Elizabeth Rivera-Williams and Sister Boreta Singleton.