
St. Hildegard of Bingen: A Visionary

byRoz Parr

The records we have of the long life of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) defy the term “dark ages.” This German Benedictine abbess lived to be 81, despite many illnesses. According to well-preserved records, she was a visionary, a theologian, architect, artist, musician, scientist, environmentalist, homilist, letter writer, feminist and activist. She was acclaimed a saint in the years after her death, but was not formally canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church until 2012, by the German-born Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Celebrate Mercy in Ministry

byRoz Parr

By Sister Mary Waskowiak — We celebrate our call to ministry, and we say AMEN! So, what called each of us —sister, associates or companion—to Mercy? Who and what continues to call us, individually and as a community? To what does our fourth vow of service call us at this time in our individual and Institute lives?

Attention and Encouragement, an Informal Education

byRoz Parr

By Sister Anna Regina Gakuhi — In my ministry at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Jamaica, I work with a group of men and women in the dietary and housekeeping departments. Most of these staff members have not completed their formal education. I engage with them to help them improve their skills, which helps improve their performance. Not only does this result in quality service and products, but it also boosts self-esteem and creates a joy in work as they each serve to their best capacity.