
Each year, Mercy students are invited to enter the Social Justice Video Contest and put their creative ideas and skills to work by sharing stories of the Sisters of Mercy’s Critical Concerns. The Grand Prize Winner receives $500.


First Place Winner

Jaylyn Remolona and Mayra Alvarez
“Sacrifice for Family”
Mercy High School, Burlingame, California

Second Place

Third Place

Carli Amos, Aiden Arrington and Luciana Elliott
“Use Your Voice!”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School, Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania
Riley Wichman and Angela Thiel
Vote with Faith and Mercy”
Mercy High School, Middletown, Connecticut

Honorable Mention

Leilani Duong-Vasquez, Sophia Hiebert, Taylor Rovetti and Caroline Phillips
Our Journey’s Began with Them”
Mercy High School, Middletown, Connecticut
Calliope Beatty, Malley Connor, Addison Foster and Grace Tronoski
“Be a Hero and VOTE with faith!”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School, Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania

2023’s First Place Winners

Emma Lemieux, Maggie Misbach, Abigail Gomes, Katherine Grelotti and Georgia Baldini
“Are you with us?”
Mercy High School, Middletown, Connecticut

Amer Hasan Macarambon, Allyza Jane Dangga, Rianna Ysabella Dollete, Krizyl Baguhin, Susan Gayle Andales, Sittie Nihaya Umba, Fatima Rose Rivera, Atheel Villaganas, Abby Kim Suan
Holy Cross High School, Mindanao, Philippines

2023’s Honorable Mention

Rineyri Cáceres, Isaac Blanco, Liam Schultz
“Bandera del amor”
Instituto María Regina, La Ceiba,

Ava Kolp, Katelyn McGuire, Jamie O’Donnell
“Together We Can End Gun Violence”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School, Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania

Grace de Klerk
“What is Justice?”
Mercy High School Farmington Hills

Shannon Talley, Maggie Baker, Alivia Chieffo
“Stop the Violence
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School, Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania

Gracie Gavin, Maxine Schaffner
“Welcome to the Gun Zone”
Mercy High School Burlingame

Ana Sophia Butkus
“Life Is Not A Game”
Mercy High School, Middletown, Connecticut

Previous Winners


Meena Balaratna, Elizabeth Romano and Kristen Yezzi
“Protect our Earth”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School
Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania


Tristen Hasson, Melanie McGill, & Sydney Pasceri
“Women Make Mercy Real”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School
Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania


The 2020 contest was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic


Grace Wettengel, Morgan Lee, Michelle Delgado & Nina Bennett
Injustices in India’s Villages
College of St. Mary
Omaha, Nebraska


Alyssa Dela Cruz
Make Mercy Real
Academy of Our Lady of Guam
Hagatna, Guam


Kenzie Uhr
Change the Narrative
Mount St. Mary Catholic High School
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  USA

Sister Anne Curtis speaks about Ecological Spirituality

Mercy Celebrates the Season of Creation

Sisters and Mercy ministries celebrated the Season of Creation this year with prayer services, educational programming and garden clean-ups. Pope Francis invites Catholics around the world to mark this annual time of prayer and action for creation Sept. 1-Oct. 4. This year’s theme was “listen to the voice of creation,” with the symbol of the burning bush from Exodus 3.

Sister Ana Siufi reflected on Laudato Si in two workshops at the parish in her town in Argentina.  She also spoke about the Season of Creation and the pope’s encyclical on the radio.

Sister Anna Regina Gakuhi discussed with staff at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Guyana some of the natural disasters claiming so many lives around the world. She also talked with them about sicknesses caused by excessive use of harmful chemicals in growing food. She encouraged the staff to re-use plastics and other containers, and to eat what is grown in the hospital’s herbal garden that Mercy associates started in March.

The sisters in Belmont, N.C., celebrated special prayer services for creation each week during the season. The first one included a re-enactment of the story of Moses and the burning bush; the plants used in the service were later planted on the property.

Children at the St. John Bosco Orphanage in Guyana cared for their vegetable garden and prepared to plant scallions.

More Stories, News and Resources

Prayerfully reflect with a visual reading of Laudato Si’!

Pollution and Climate Change

The Issue of Water

What is happening to our Common Home? - Climate Change
What is Happening to our Common Home? - Water

Loss of Biodiversity

Global Inequality

What is Happening to our Common Home?
What is Happening to our Common Home? - Global Inequality

More coming soon!

Awakening to a New Consciousness

Mercy's Theological Reflection Process on Extractivism

Click Here


“Protect Our Earth” — 2022 Sisters of Mercy Social Justice Video Contest Grand Prize Winning Entry

More coming soon!

Live Sustainably. Check out Mercy Sustainability Tips.

Sister Leslie Porreca discussing her efforts to share Mercy through sustainable living

Mercy Meatless Mondays

Use our meatless recipe resource to live more sustainably!

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Featured Stories, Resources and News

Mercy Earth Challenge

In addition to Mercy Meatless Mondays, the Mercy Earth Challenge offers additional resources for individuals and groups.

Learn More

More coming soon!

More coming soon!

Webinar Clip

In a segment from our April, 2022 webinar, Sister Rosita Sidasmed connects the Critical Concerns with the Laudato Si goals. A complete recording of the webinar is available here.

Webinar Clip

In another segment from our April 2022 webinar, Sister Kathy Thornton explains the work being accomplished by the ministry Mercy Focus on Haiti. A complete recording of the webinar is available here.

More Stories, News and Resources

More coming soon!