Mercy Tips to Care for Earth

Returning to practice of sharing cars  

Mercy Tips to Care for Earth

By Sister Carol Mucha

What have I done to contribute to the sustainability of our good Earth? 

I have made many lifestyle changes, but there are two I would like to share. 

The first has to do with my Toyota Prius Hybrid; I have taken care of it for 11 years, and it has taken care of me. But I decided that I do not need to have a car for my exclusive use. 

So, I looked back at the many years we sisters shared cars and wondered why we could not do the same now. Several of our very generous sisters – four to be exact – volunteered to share their cars with me when needed for errands and other appointments. Now I have four sets of keys and am mindful to ask when I need to use a car. Such kindness is so typical of the Mercy way, and they each are also doing their part caring for Earth.  

I have also traded my plastic food containers for glass ones. They were gifts from my niece who is very conscious of the planet and our need to take care of our common home. I gave the plastic containers to a ministry that serves single mothers who need all sorts of items for their children and homes. So, the items will not be tossed out for a long time.