
Matthew’s Genealogy: Inclusion of Women

byRoz Parr

Matthew is writing for a Jewish audience. Jesus was born into a Jewish society that had a strong patriarchal nature. Surprisingly he included women in his genealogy. There are five women included in the lineage of Jesus, including Mary, the mother of Jesus. Women are often unnamed in the Scriptures; however, Mathew names three of them: Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. The mother of Solomon, Bathsheba, is not named.

St. Hildegard of Bingen: A Visionary

byRoz Parr

The records we have of the long life of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) defy the term “dark ages.” This German Benedictine abbess lived to be 81, despite many illnesses. According to well-preserved records, she was a visionary, a theologian, architect, artist, musician, scientist, environmentalist, homilist, letter writer, feminist and activist. She was acclaimed a saint in the years after her death, but was not formally canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church until 2012, by the German-born Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Why Do Our Schools Celebrate Mercy Day?

byRoz Parr

By Sister Regina Ward, Associate Director for Mission Integration, Mercy Education — Mercy Day is the anniversary of the opening of the first House of Mercy by Catherine McAuley and her two companions, Anna Maria Doyle and Catherine Byrn, on September 24, 1827. Many sisters who attended Mercy schools remember having a day off on September 24, most likely because the sisters who worked in the school considered it a feast day and would take the day to celebrate Catherine and her legacy.