
By Sister Joan Margret Schwager 

Things I have done to care for the Earth: 

I have created a compost bin for scraps and use the composted materials in my garden. 

I grew a garden each year with vegetables that lessen my dependence on getting things from the store. 

I have two water barrels; one to catch rainwater so that I have “natural” water for indoor plants and garden and the other gets filled with water from the dehumidifier and air conditioning. 

I bake my own bread. I also make my own jam and jelly.  

I cook from “scratch” whenever possible so I’m not buying “packaged” items. 

I buy in bulk: beans, lentils etc. I also make my own black bean and lentil burgers. 

I freeze produce from the garden for the winter. 

I like to make use of rummage sales and garage sales instead of buying things that are new. 

I use ceiling fans to lessen reliance on air conditioning and heating. 

I also sew blankets from scraps, even old T-shirts. 

Lastly, I remind our schools to not use Styrofoam. 

I hope this list gives you ideas for how you can also care for the Earth.