
So Much Joy, So Much Sadness

byRoz Parr

By Sister Pat Kenny — If the Easter narrative taught us nothing else, it did confirm the inevitable truth of joy and sadness in our lives. Wild elation and profound grief will be part of every life; not once or twice, but over and over during the lifetime of every person old enough to understand joy and sadness. Everyone will experience soft and ragged edges of each.

The Process of Rebirth

byRoz Parr

By Sister Victoria Incrivaglia — In the process of rebirth, there are times when both the blossoms and new leaves of the dogwood tree are present simultaneously; both are present to each other yet knowing that change will happen. The engagement of this process is a journey.

Two Sisters Become Sisters

byRoz Parr

By Catherine Walsh, Features Writer — When Sister Patricia “Pat” Coward was in the 7th grade, she never thought she’d become a sister. And she wasn’t sure what to tell her friends when her 18-year-old sister, Sister Donna Marie Coward, joined the Sister of Mercy. “Although I was proud of Donna, I had to be cool,” Sister Pat says. “It wasn’t cool to have a sister who was a sister!”

Gifts of the Spirit and Produce

byRoz Parr

By Liz Dossa — Clearly, Amy is called to this ministry of empathy. “I think of the Tenderloin as a space of hope and light. In the midst of such adversity, people are caring for the community and for one another.”

The Gift of Understanding

byRoz Parr

By Sister Pat Kenny — Let us rejoice in that, and let us pray for the grace to grow in the understanding of both others and ourselves and sharing that understanding generously and wisely.