
Age 91

A true health advocate, Sister Mary Rebecca was passionate about caring for those who could not afford the cost of medical care.  

Born in Salem, West Virgina, she entered the Sisters of Mercy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Salem College in Salem, West Virginia, a medical technology certificate from St. Mary’s Hospital in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and a doctorate degree in human development from the University of Iowa College of Medicine in Iowa City.

An assistant professor for 12 years at Mercy Hospital and Mount Mercy College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, she also ministered as the director of applied healing then as provost and dean of faculty at Salem College. In 2002 Sister Rebecca co-founded the Susan Dew Hoff Memorial Clinic in West Milford, West Virginia, which serves the dental needs of those of low income. For 18 years, she ministered as their director and chief executive officer.