
Sister Mary Providence Jasinskas (Helen Jasinskas)

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Age 91

Sister Mary Providence Jasinskas was a Sister of Mercy for 71 years. She ministered with the children in orphanages at Nazareth Home for Boys, Leicester, Massachusetts, the Motherhouse, and with the women who resided at St. Joseph Home in Worcester, Massachusetts. She also provided food service for many years for the Sisters in the convents at Blessed Sacrament, Nazareth Home for Boys and at Marian High School.

In 1973, Sister Mary Providence went to Mercy Centre where she served special needs children as a well-loved teacher’s aide. For many years she taught Religious Education at Sacred Heart and Saint Catherine of Sweden parishes, finding great joy in preparing young children for the reception of First Communion.

For several years she provided care and companionship for her mother. These were special years of grace for her as well as her dear mother.