
On Butterflies, on January 1

byRoz Parr

By Sister Pat Kenny — Our life spans outlast a butterfly’s by decades; they must do in a few days what we have years to accomplish, but don’t let that discrepancy fool you. There is purpose in every life.

New Beginnings

byRoz Parr

By Sister Luz Eugenia Alvarez – The beginning of a new year usually is a time when we make New Year’s resolutions, trying to be better people.

From Iran to Vermont: A Mercy Christmas Story

byRoz Parr

By Rowshan Nemazee, Mercy Associate — I didn’t think I was leaving my native country for good. Little could I have imagined that I would one day live in Vermont and become a Mercy Associate with the Sisters of Mercy.

Wishing You a Sustainable Christmas

byRoz Parr

By Sister Sue Gallagher and Brother Ryan Roberts — Are there ways we can welcome the Christ-child more simply? In what ways are you making decisions for a more sustainable Christmas this year?