
Preparation for Session 1

Prior to Session 1, participants should read:

Participants should be prepared to journal, as they will be asked to reflect and record their thoughts during the sessions.

Choose one of the two options for opening prayer. There is a short prayer in the text of the Self Study Guide for Session 1. There is also a longer prayer resource available here.

Several slides are available for this session, if you choose to use them. They cover the definition of extractivism (two slides), the Deep Listening, Deep Reflecting, Deep Transformation process (three slides) and Contemplative Dialogue (one slide).

The content in Definitions of Extractivism will be relevant for all the sessions in this process. It is that participants have a good understanding of this material. There may be times during future sessions when it is helpful to revisit these resources.

Outline for Session 1

Welcome, Introductions and Prayer

Welcome participants and introduce the theological reflection process. If this is the first gathering of this group, consider spending time doing introductions. Then, lead the opening prayer you have selected.

Defining Extractivism

Read aloud the definition of extractivism, or ask a volunteer to do so. (Two of the optional slides can be used here.)

Extractivism is a destructive and exploitative model of development

that extracts natural resources on a massive scale,

disrupts or destroys biodiversity,

impacts global ecosystems, and

devastates the health and well-being of local communities,

while creating significant economic profits for the privileged few

Read each of the phrases in the definition again, asking the group to pay attention to the adjectives and circle them in their minds.

Invite participants to pause and then journal on the following questions:

  • What feelings stir within you?
  • What questions surface for you?

Read each phrase in the definition again, asking the group to pay attention to the verbs and circle them in their minds.

Again, iInvite participants to pause and then journal on the following questions:

  • What feelings stir within you?
  • What questions surface for you?

After sufficient time has been offered for journaling, invite everyone to share one feeling, thought, insight or question from their reflection.

Defining the Process

Introduce the process of Deep Listening, Deep Reflecting, Deep Transformation using the overview from the Self-Study Guide, the optional slides or this summary:

We will “see” what extractivism is and how it impacts people, communities, and Earth. The word “see” here connotes “deep listening, a seeking to understand.” Here we will decenter ourselves and listen carefully and attentively to the stories and experiences of those most impacted by extractivism. After deep reflection, we “judge, that is, analyze what our response needs to be. Finally, we will determine how we might be transformed by what we have heard and learned. We discern how we might act in response to extractivism.

Preparation for Session 2

Prior to Session 2, all participants should read Deep Listening from the Self Study Guide found here. In addition to the reading material, a focus of this session is the video “In Defence of Life” (33 mins). You should either instruct participants to watch the video prior to Session 2 or make arrangements to watch it together during the session.

Continue to Session 2