
Listening for the Spirit Within

byRoz Parr

By Sister Michelle Marie Salois — I learned to listen to my desires and emotions and especially to the subtle, felt sense within my body (the temple of the Holy Spirit) that I eventually recognized as a reliable signal of the right direction.

Mercy Volunteer Answers the Call to Become a Sister

byRoz Parr

By Liz Dossa — It is not so much what the sisters do, as in the way in which they do it–encountering people, building relationships and finding innovative, agile ways to meet the urgent unmet needs of our times

A Sacred Song, Remembered

byRoz Parr

By Sister Suzanne Toolan and Liz Dossa — Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life,” and we are called to come and eat and to share. Our lives are at the service of the Gospel. God has given us this gift of grace.

Creating a Place for All

byRoz Parr

This week, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy and a doorway that opened in Dublin in 1827, a doorway in Mercy, a doorway that we are called to open and create a place for all.

Opening Doors, Creating Places of Welcome, and the Mystery of Love

byRoz Parr

Central to Catherine McAuley’s legacy is trust in love as the greatest mystery of all. And I believe it is OUR work to intentionally explore that mystery and continue to insist on open doors, and to BE a welcoming presence in our troubled world.

What Is Truth?

byRoz Parr

If truth is truly important to me, I owe it to myself to recognize the implications of my answers.