Story Type: Ministry Story
Earth Day, Every Day: Sisters inspire students to be stewards of our Earth
In our Mercy schools, Earth Day, April 22, is not a one-off event to celebrate the environment. The annual commemoration underscores their dutiful year-round efforts to cultivate not only a greener planet but also more conscientious, knowledgeable and compassionate stewards of creation, our future leaders.
Joys outweigh tears in life-changing medical mission in Peru
Waking before dawn, people living in the Andes in northern Peru, often must walk many miles to get a ride into the town of Chulucanas—a drive of four or five hours—just for the opportunity to get basic medical care from visiting U.S. doctors.
Mercy walks with those in need
Mercy walks with the differently abled
Mercy walks with trafficked women
Putting the spirit of non-violence to work in a world battered by violence
Challenging but rewarding ministry in war-torn South Sudan
Subanen People Rise to New Life
By Sister Andrea Catubig
Whenever I visit a family belonging to the Subanen indigenous people in the Philippines, I hear Palad-palad or “thank you” time and again.
More than 10 months have passed since I received a Sisters of Mercy grant for my ministry with the Subanen people, who live on Mindanao Island and suffer countless indignities, from ongoing colonization to exploitation by companies that extract minerals from their lands. But still I hear “palad-palad.”
Award-Winning Student Poets Seek Mercy and Justice
Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama
By Sister Edia Lopez
After two powerful hurricanes, ETA and IOTA, struck Central America in 2020, Sisters of Mercy in Panama moved to support the disaster victims and help with their immediate needs.
However, after experiencing the disaster and the flooding caused by the storms, we wondered what hope there was for Mother Earth.