
By Jason Giovannettone, Climate and Sustainability Director

One common item that has serious environmental and health impacts is the receipt. In a 2019 report provided by Green America, it was estimated that the production of receipts in the United States alone has the following yearly environmental impacts : 

  • consumes 3 million trees
  • uses 9 billion gallons of water 
  • generates 4 billion pounds of carbon dioxide 
  • creates 302 million pounds of solid waste  

In addition to the above concerns, the thermal paper used for receipts contains high levels of BPA (Bisphenol A), which is a chemical commonly found in plastic packaging. Sufficient exposure to BPA can lead to serious health problems such as infertility, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and the early onset of puberty, and diabetes. As a result, most of us have seen the “BPA Free” label on plastic containers and cans as part of an effort to reduce our exposure. BPA is used as a color developer on heat sensitive or thermal paper like a receipt. Since the BPA is added and not chemically bonded to the paper, it can readily be transferred to your hands when touching a receipt (see this article for more details). 

Additionally, other things commonly found on hands, including sanitizers, creams, sweat or grease, can exacerbate exposure to BPA when touching a receipt. A 2014 Newsweek article highlights a study that found because many commonly used hand sanitizers contain chemicals that enhance dermal (skin) penetration, their application can increase the skin’s absorption of BPA by up to 100 times. This is of particular concern if you touch food shortly after touching a receipt, such as at a restaurant or after leaving a grocery store.  If you end up putting the receipt in your pocket, there is an additional concern that BPA will transfer onto anything that touches the receipt such as your keys, phone, or wallet; this will result in unknowing exposure to BPA when you handle any of these objects.

Green Tip:  

Opt for no receipt at any restaurant or store you visit; an email receipt is also good if given the option. Avoid storing past receipts in your wallet. Instead, store them in a bag or box that minimizes contact with other commonly handled items. 

Thank you for participating in this summer retreat series with us. We hope you were inspired to explore further and encouraged to consider new ideas on Communion in our lives.  

Final reflection questions

What is one thing you learned in this series that you want to bring into your daily life? What are some practical examples of how you plan to do that?

How do you witness Communion in different areas of your life?

Think of some examples of successful and unsuccessful dialogue you have had with others. What can be learned from each?

“In this universe, shaped by open and intercommunicating systems, we can discern countless forms of relationship and participation. This leads us to think of the whole as open to God’s transcendence, within which it develops. Faith allows us to interpret the meaning and the mysterious beauty of what is unfolding.” (Laudato Si’, paragraph 79) 

Song: Every Step is Holy

Suggestions for further reading

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

On Care for Our Common Home: The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis

God is the source of communion and the church is the instrument. The Spirit, infinite bond of love, is intimately present at the very heart of the universe, inspiring and bringing new pathways.

A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation

God, we praise you with all your creatures.
They came forth from your all-powerful hand.
They are yours, filled with your presence and your tender love.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you!

Through you all things were made.
You were formed in the womb of Mary our mother.
You became part of this Earth, and you gazed upon the world with human eyes.
Today you are alive in every creature in your risen glory.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you!

Holy Spirit, by your light you guide this world towards God’s love and accompany creation as it groans in travail.  You also dwell in our hearts and you inspire us to do what is good.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you!

Triune God, wondrous community of infinite love, teach us to contemplate you in the beauty of the universe, for all things speak of you. Awaken our praise and thankfulness in every being that you have made. Give us grace to feel profoundly joined to everything.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you!

God of love, show us our place in this world as channels of your love for all the creatures on this Earth, for not one of them is forgotten in your sight.  Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you!

The poor and the Earth are crying out.
O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty.
RESPONSE: Praise be to you! Amen.

A reading from the Laudato Si by Pope Francis

The human person grows more, matures more, and is sanctified more, to the extent that he or she enters into relationships, going out from themselves to live in communion with God, with others and with all creatures. In this way, they make their own the Trinitarian dynamism which God imprinted on them when they were created. Everything is interconnected and this invites us to develop a spirituality of that global solidarity which flows from the mystery of that Trinity. (no.240)  

Song: For the Beauty of the Earth  

Reflection Questions

In what ways are you connected to nature?

Think of someone much different from you. Can you think of some unexpected things you have in common?

Do you have a spiritual practice that connects you to your environment?

What decisions or changes have you made in your life to align your actions for the common good?  

“We have to be better, we have to love more and hate less. Listen more and talk less. It is our responsibility to make this world a better place.”
-Megan Rapinoe, American professional soccer player

Song: Canticle of the Sun  

A community must be more than the sum of its members; there needs to be dialogue to agree on common tasks and ways to respond, as a community, to the challenges of our times. The growth process from isolation to communion is promoted by dialogue. Communication is basic to community. It is a two-way street, and no one is so poor that they have nothing to offer.

Opening prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, creator of all things, come visit our hearts with your power.
Fill with grace, friendly guest, the hearts which You have created.
You are called the Consoler, gift from the hand of God, source of life, light, love, and flame, highest good.
You are the pledge of the sevenfold grace, finger of God’s hand, promised us by God, and You make our tongues speak the truth.
Cast light on our senses, pour love into our hearts.
Grant our weak bodies strength that they may never grow weary of doing good.

Reading 1: Luke 4, 16-19

Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Jesus stood up to read and was handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written: “The spirit of God is upon me, because God has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.”

Song: As I Have Done for You

Reading 2: Acts 2: 42-47

They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common. They would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes.  They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

A community is composed of highly communicative persons who interact, having a diversity of gifts and talents, have a common vision and share common objectives assumed by all.

We are all created in the image of God with diverse gifts and talents. Each person throughout life discovers gifts to place at the service of the community. It is preferable that many do a little than that a few do a lot.

Reflection Questions

What is dialogue and how is it different than communication?

How can I say with clarity and charity what I think and feel?

How can I use all of my senses to listen attentively to the needs of others?

 Song: Land of the Living

By Sister Suzanne Gallagher, Mercy Justice Team  

A few Christmas seasons ago, I gifted my sister with a new set of plastic storage containers. The gift made me smile for a variety of reasons: the gift was practical, which is a must for my gift-giving practices; many of my sister’s storage containers made their way into my take-away bag at the end of  previous holidays and now I had a good collection of her containers; and she was using her containers until they lost their lids or were looking shabby. But they are so convenient! 

Becoming more aware of the profusive use of plastics helped me to realize how plastic was still my go-to option for so many things, including storing food. I decided to make the switch to using glass containers for storage  whenever I could. The benefits are numerous and eco-friendly.If you are like me, you are cautious about using plastic containers in the microwave. We know that plastic is porous and prone to leaching dangerous chemicals into food and then into your body; this increases as your plastic containers age or are heated. With glass, there is no chemical interaction between the container and its contents. Glass containers are usually made of natural, sustainable raw materials and can be recycled repeatedly. Plastics can often be recycled, however, they degrade with each event, referred to as “downcycling.”  Using glass is more sustainable for our earth and a healthier option for our bodies. 

The downside to using glass storage containers is that glass can break. We need to be careful about handling them. Also, glass containers are more expensive. Taking all the pros and cons into consideration, it is a false economy not to make the switch. I am building my collection of glass containers slowly and looking at spaghetti sauce and jelly jars differently.  

By Marianne Comfort, Mercy Justice Team 

Transportation is now the largest cause of greenhouse gasses in the U.S., accounting for 33% of all emissions. Most of that is due to suburban sprawl and the country’s car culture. 

Public transportation produces significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile than private vehicles, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. For instance, a bus with 28% of its seats occupied emits one-third less greenhouse gas per passenger mile than the average single-occupancy vehicle; when the bus is full, it saves 82% of emissions compared to a private car. 

Green Tip 

Check the internet for the bus schedule in your community. You will most likely find routes and timetables there, as well as a “trip planner tool” that you can use to find out how to get from Point A to Point B at a given time. It might look something like this: 

Under “more options,” you can indicate what time you want to leave your departure point or to arrive at your destination. 

See what options you have for getting to work, to church or to other frequent destinations, and invite a friend or family member to join you on an outing to try it out. 

By Jason Giovannettone, Climate and Sustainability Director

While there are a lot of ways plastic pollution has visibly affected our planet, there are also less visible impacts that may be a much larger concern for us as human beings.  

We are consuming a large amount of plastic on a daily basis amounting to the size of a credit card every week. Microplastics are especially concerning. They have been measured in significant concentrations in packaged food, as well as meat and seafood, tap and bottled water, and the air. Once ingested, microplastics easily move from the digestive system into the bloodstream where they are transported throughout the body to all critical organs. Check out this article for more information.

You can substantially reduce your consumption of plastic by following two simple rules: 

  1. Reduce your consumption of packaged foods. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and veggies as often as possible. 
  1. Use water bottles, dishware and food storage containers made from glass, ceramics, metals and other non-plastic materials. 

Green Tip 

Watch the following video on microplastics. Then make a list of the plastic items you depend on throughout the day and identify one item that you can replace with a non-plastic alternative. 

By Jason Giovannettone, Climate and Sustainability Director 

To help care for Earth, remove plastic from many commonly used items in your bathroom. Several ideas for alternatives are provided below. The following video from Brush with Bamboo shares the impact of toothbrushes with regards to plastic pollution. 

Soap: A bar of soap is the best way to avoid plastics and minimize the amount you need to buy.  Choose soap bars that are packaged in paper or cardboard and labeled as natural to minimize the use of chemical ingredients. Also look for soaps that do not contain palm oil; the development of palm oil plantations results in the burning of substantial areas of forest. 

Shampoo & Conditioner: The best way to remove plastic from your shampoo and conditioner is to buy bar versions of both that are not packaged in plastic. Bars are longer-lasting and typically contain zero sulphates and fewer chemicals than liquid/gel form.  Look for products with the Climate Pledge Friendly certification, which means changes were made to the product size and weight to minimize carbon emissions due to shipping and packaging. 

Toothbrush: Choose toothbrushes made from bamboo, a renewable resource that can easily be grown without pesticides and is compostable.  If possible, find a toothbrush that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which means the bamboo is grown and harvested in a sustainable manner. FSC certification also ensures the bamboo is not a type eaten by pandas or harvested from land that is inhabited by pandas. The certification guarantees that virgin forests were not cut down to clear land for growing bamboo. 

Toothpaste & Dental Floss: Toothpaste tablets are available as a plastic-free option, though most (not all) do not contain fluoride, which is important to fend off tooth decay. Plastic-free options for dental floss rely on silk covered in vegan candelilla wax.  

Green Tip 

Select one bathroom item above and try a plastic-free option for at least one week. 

By Mike Poulin, Justice Resource Manager

Last week, Brother Ryan’s tip referenced one type of plastic that plagues our washing machines. Another source of plastic associated with laundry comes in the form of big, plastic bottles of detergent. But there is a way to avoid those giant jugs of soap: laundry detergent sheets. 

Essentially, they are dehydrated soap sheets that dissolve in water. Several brands of laundry sheets are now on the market. Sheets are sold in envelopes or boxes and are perforated for different sized loads of laundry. In addition to reducing plastic use, laundry sheets also have a smaller shipping footprint; without the added water, they weigh much less than liquid detergent. 

By Brother Ryan W. Roberts, OLF, Institute Justice Team  

In the process of inviting people to order our new Mercy Justice polyester fleece jackets, we’ve received some questions about their environmental impact.  

Microplastics are an unfortunate side effect of all plastics, not just microfibers like fleece. Microfibers like polyester threads slowly shed tiny plastic fragments through normal use, but the shedding increases dramatically during vigorous rubbing like in a washing machine and will end up polluting our water systems and greater environment.  

There are advantages to polyester fleece, including water-repellant qualities and weight-to-warmth ratio. The plastic used in the Justice jackets comes from recycled water bottles. This is much better for the environment as the plastic is being reused rather than taking up space in a landfill or floating away in the ocean.  A tag attached to each jacket tells us how many water bottles went into its production.   

Green Tip:  

Wash your fleece infrequently. Spot cleaning is all that’s really necessary most of the time because usually it’s apparel that doesn’t directly touch skin.  

The way it’s washed also makes a difference, e.g. vigorous agitation like a top-loading machine will break the fibers much more than immersion in a front-load machine or washing by hand. There are devices you can use in the washing machine or attach to your drain line that capture microplastics, preventing their direct draining into the water supply. Here’s a New York Times article with a lot of information

By Jason Giovannettone, Climate and Sustainability Director 

During the month of July, we are going to look at various aspects of plastic pollution and attempt to abstain from one type of single-use plastic each week.


Efforts to either recycle or break down used plastic products will not come anywhere close to solving the issue. Recycling only considers the end of the life cycle of a plastic product, which does nothing to hold the plastic manufacturers accountable. They are still fully profiting from a practice that is very damaging to the planet. In essence, the manufacturer is only concerned with creating demand for plastic, but once it is purchased, disposal becomes someone else’s problem. The only real solution to reducing plastic pollution is to focus on the beginning of its life cycle; we need to “turn off the tap” on plastic. Reducing plastic consumption (in contrast to recycling) holds the plastics industry accountable. 

Green Tip 

Begin the process of reducing your plastic consumption by thinking about and listing the types of plastic products that you use regularly. Attempt to prioritize them in terms of reducing or eliminating their use. 

By Peter Diaz , Service Learning & Immersion Coordinator and Religion Teacher, Mercy High School Burlingame 

For years, San Francisco has required its residences to compost food scraps. Each household was given a small green bin that fits underneath the kitchen sink. Everything from food scraps to eggs shells and even paper towels is collected. The city’s food scraps are turned into rich compost for the wineries and residences.  

Here’s what I have learned about keeping your kitchen compost clean and reducing potential odors.  

  1.  Line the compost bin with a newspaper, old paper bag that held your lunch or old deli meat wax paper. This helps empty the compost pail neatly without scraps sticking to it. 
  1. Keep the pail open. When you close the lid, it activates the decomposition by containing moisture.  
  1. Empty your pail every night into a bigger compost bin kept outside. 
  1. Keep the bigger compost bin lid outside open to slow the decomposition and reduce the smell.  
  1. If you happen to throw away food scraps that contain meat, which we are allowed to compost in San Francisco, add baking soda into the bin. It helps keep the odor under control. 

 Enjoy composting!