
The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas commemorated the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ groundbreaking encyclical, Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home, by launching the Mercy Earth Challenge — a year-long challenge for the common good.

We introduced this amid constant reminders — including a global coronavirus pandemic and global climate crisis — of our interconnected world.

We invited everyone in our Mercy Family and beyond into a year-long series of personal, communal and systemic actions throughout six distinct seasons: 


  • Laudato Si Action Plan

    The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas has enrolled in the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform, joining the worldwide Catholic community in a seven-year journey toward more fully living Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’.

    Explore our efforts

    Explore our efforts
  • Mercy Tips to Care for Earth

    These are suggestions for how individual sisters, associates, companions, co-workers, volunteers and friends can limit their environmental and carbon footprint on Earth, our common home.

    Read our tips

    Read our tips
  • Extractivism

    Extractivism is a short-sighted model of development that exploits natural resources, often at the expense of local communities. Join us as we journey toward a new consciousness focused on extractivism.

    Awakening to a New Consciousness

    Awakening to a New Consciousness
  • Mercy Earth Challenge

    Created to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ letter, Laudato Si, the Mercy Earth Challenge offers six resources inviting users to take action for the good of Earth and each other.

    Learn About the Challenge

    Learn About the Challenge
  • Rosary of Creation

    Combining images with quotes from Laudato Si, three videos explore the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Mysteries of the Fullness of the Universe. Designed for individual or group reflection.

    Explore the Rosary of Creation

    Explore the Rosary of Creation

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