
A Prayer for Vocation Discernment

There is so much competing for my attention, God,
and all I want is to know you better.
Reach through my busy days to draw me closer to you.
I ask for wisdom to make decisions that lead me to the light.
I ask for light to follow the path that leads me to love.
I ask for love to fill my heart that searches for you.
All of this, my God, I ask so that I may be your mercy to each and all.

Sister Danielle Gagnon, RSM

The Persistent Invitation: A Journey to Mercy

Sister Elizabeth Small shares her journey to becoming a Sister of Mercy.

Sisters Become Sisters

Donna and Pat Coward, sisters by birth, reflect on their journeys to becoming Sisters of Mercy.

Shining Lamps

We should all be shining lamps! by Sister Boreta Singleton

Celebrating Mercy

Spirituality in our 90s

Spirituality in our 90s: Beholding life evolving in each other and our world by Sister Elizabeth Mary Burns, National Catholic Reporter

Gospel Women