
Age 89

Sister Maureen Gregory was a Sister of Mercy for 70 years.

Sister Maureen was born in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated from Bishop McDonnell High School where she made many life-long friends. Her journey in Mercy began February 2, 1951.

Over the span of 45 years, Maureen taught thousands of students in Brooklyn and Rockville Centre, not only her specialty which was math, but she also taught how to live the Christian life. She was an educator at Saint Jerome; Saint Brigid; Saint Thomas Aquinas; Saint Mary Roslyn; Our Lady of Mercy Academy; Mercy High School, Riverhead; Mater Christi DHS; and Holy Trinity DHS, as well as assuming the role of principal at Saint Brigid. Maureen brought her excellent skills of imparting knowledge with gentleness and understanding to all these ministries. In later years, she became assistant to the community treasurer and also assumed the complex job of handling sisters’ medical benefits.

When serious illness struck, Maureen’s true self came to the fore as she accepted it with grace and resignation as God’s will. This never stopped her from sharing her talents, being a “listening ear” to all, sending cards to so many for any and every occasion. Her address book was overflowing. Her final days in pain and suffering were offered in unison with the suffering Christ.

The Words of Proverbs come to mind when attempting to paint a picture of who Maureen was in life and death.  Selfless, generous, patriotic, and a great friend to many, she was truly a “valiant woman.”