
Age 83

Kathleen first met the Sisters of Mercy at St. Hubert’s Catholic High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was a serious student with a unique sense of humor and musical talents, playing the violin in the school orchestra. At the age of 19, she entered the Sisters of Mercy in Merion, Pennsylvania

Her educational pursuits included a bachelor’s degree in humanities from Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania and Gwynedd-Mercy College in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania and a master’s degree in elementary education from Marywood College in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Kathleen taught elementary school for 38 years in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina. Her longest tenure was at Maternity BVM Parish and School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she ministered for almost three decades. In addition to her role as a teacher, Kathleen supported the parish’s life, serving as a Eucharistic Minister and a dedicated volunteer wherever needed. Kathleen offered her organizational and secretarial skills for another four years as an Archdiocesan support staff member in the Delaware County Vicariate.  

In her final years of active ministry, Kathleen provided the valuable service of medical transporter for sisters residing at the Convent of Mercy and McAuley Convent, both in Merion, Pennsylvania. Her sensitivity, compassionate care, and driving expertise comforted sisters. Although quiet and reserved by nature, sisters were often amazed when Kathleen recalled details of past events, bringing an appreciation of her keen memory of shared encounters in community life.