
Age 98

Sister Alberic’s selfless spirit and profound commitment to serving those in need was a calling inspired by love, dignity and hope.

Entering the Sisters of Mercy at the age of 18 in Cumberland, Rhode Island, she earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Catholic Teachers College in Providence, Rhode Island.  She spent ten years teaching elementary school in the Diocese of Providence.  She then spent 11 years at the Mercy Generalate in Bethesda, Maryland, the central office of the Union of the Sisters of Mercy, assisting in the office with the needs of the sisters and students at St. Maurice School for exceptional children which was on the same campus. She loved the opportunity to be of service to the many Mercy Sisters who visited the Generalate from all over the country.

Upon her return to Rhode Island, she lived at Mercy Lodge in Cumberland, Rhode Island, offering gatherings of people belonging to the charismatic movement. She welcomed people and led groups in prayer and reflection.  She also worked in the finance office and bookstore at St. Mary Academy Bay View, in Riverside Rhode Island.

Sister Alberic recognized a need for clothing and other home goods among the clients who received meals and assistance at McAuley House.  She conceived a plan for a place where people could donate goods to be sold at a low price to those in need.  This idea continues today as the Warde-robe in Central Falls, Rhode Island, a place where she volunteered for 24 years.

A life-long blood donor having donated more than 100 pints of blood, Alberic’s final act of service to others was donating her body to Brown University School of Medicine for research which was a fitting ending for a woman who lived her motto, “To love and do His will.”