Mercy and Poetry—Stop, Look in a New Way, Listen to Your Heart
By Sister Grace Leggio Agate
This is the fifth reflection in our Poetry and Mercy series as part of National Poetry Month. Read the whole series here.
As a poet I have been shaped by prayer and contemplation, nature, life circumstances; by the people who have touched my life, a sense of wonder and a sense of humor.
I believe poetry is important today because poetry is a process that causes us to think, feel,
experience and respond in a more contemplative way of being. One is not able to read poetry quickly. Engaging poetry, one is called to stop, to look in a new way and to listen to how our heart is engaged. We are in need of folks who are willing to be so engaged so we will be able to meet each as companions on our life journey.
A Poem by Sister Grace
Sister Grace shared the following poem for the blog:
Miriam of Nazareth
I gave along ago
Becoming mother to God’s
I am.
Joseph and I, gave assent
and lived in the knowledge
that we were parenting
God’s own Son.
His birth, a mysterious miracle
as are all births.
His accompanied
by a stable, a star,
shepherds, kings
and flight.
Obeying the Law,
we presented Him.
Two holy ones.
who prayed and waited
Tell us they know
He is I am.
One gives a disturbing message.
Only now do I know the meaning.
Simeon’s words come true.
For a sword has pierced me through
It’s pain, unbearable.
Anna’s comfort,
I keen for now.
My son, came born
into the ways of God;
Healing, feeding, giving drink,
opening the meeting tent
for those considered outside
God’s mercy.
His words and works
twisted by those fearful of change;
twisted by those in power,
forgetting from whence their own power comes.
hung out in glory and pain
rejected by those who might have known better.
His closest friends
scattered by fear.
I am here my Son,
I know not the reason for your cross.
No more than I understood your
coming to me.
I trusted then
and now I witness again
in trust this time of agony.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord.