
Preparation for Session 6

Prior to the session, participants should read Deep Transformation from the Self-Study Guide, paying particular attention to the definition of transformation and to the cases of transformative action. Access the suggested opening prayer, or select another prayer.

Outline for Session 6

Welcome and Prayer

After a welcome and any initial business, lead the opening prayer. The suggested prayer has space for personal reflection. Invite participants to share their reflections with the group.


Remind participants of where we are in the process. We have listened deeply to the impacts of extractivism on people, communities and Earth. We have examined extractivism through various theological lenses, through analysis of systems that help the extractive development model to thrive, and through intersections with other contemporary issues. We are now looking at how this process has transformed us and is leading us into action.

Share this excerpt from the Self-Study Guide to ground your group’s conversation:

Transformation is not focused on a “one-time event of clarity and action” but a tug to always dig deeper.

Invite participants into a few moments of silent reflection to consider these questions:

  • What learning or insight in the process so far most stays with you?
  • How is that calling you to shift your perceptions? 
  • How does it feel to move toward deep transformation and action?

Invite participants to briefly share their insights.

Next, invite participants into a few minutes of silent reflection on the case studies. Pose these questions for their consideration:

  • Which example and category of action spoke to you most? Why?
  • How does it influence your thoughts on what an appropriate individual, communal and corporate response would be?

Invite participants to share, and then invite the group to consider any commonalities among the individual responses. Where does this conversation seem to be leading the group?

Moving Into Action

Now that you have completed this journey of Deep Listening, Deep Reflecting and Deep Transformation, the next steps are up to individual participants and the group. Individually or collectively, they can tap into their deeper understanding and sense of where they feel called and look for opportunities to take action in solidarity with people, communities and Earth.

Learning about, reflecting on and discussing extractivism was important. Deciding to take action, the next step on this journey, is equally important. Failure to take action, to make a change, leaves the process incomplete.

This guide does not prescribe specific actions for participants to take. Individually or as a group, participants must discern their own choices for action. We do provide the following resources and suggestions.

Invite participants to look at the frequently updated Action Page, which contains information on current issues that are global in scope , as well as calls to action at the national level in the United States. They might find these resources helpful as they discern their next steps.

Since extractivism has very local impacts, we suggest participants focus their efforts first on what is happening in their own community or nearby communities. Encourage them to seek out organizations acting in solidarity with communities and natural spaces threatened by extractive industries and subscribe to their mailing lists. Getting to know these organizations will help participants determine how their skills, time and knowledge can best be utilized.  

If the group wants to take action together, set another meeting time to identify concrete action and start planning.

We would love to know how you choose to take action and to hear about the fruits of your actions. You may email us at