Author: Roz Parr
Whichever Way You Turn There Is the Face of God
By Sister Sarita Vasquez
The Sisters of Mercy work to sustain all life by caring for Earth. In our dedication to discovering God in all things, we recognize the ecological spirituality that ties us to the beauty of creation.
As we celebrate the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, I am reminded of a book I read at the height of the pandemic, An Astonishing Secret by Daniel O’Learly.
Mother-Daughter Mercy Bonds: Sisters and Their Moms
The Two Catherines
Award-Winning Student Poets Seek Mercy and Justice
Sister Renee Yann reads her poems
Sister Megan Brown reads her poem
Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama
By Sister Edia Lopez
After two powerful hurricanes, ETA and IOTA, struck Central America in 2020, Sisters of Mercy in Panama moved to support the disaster victims and help with their immediate needs.
However, after experiencing the disaster and the flooding caused by the storms, we wondered what hope there was for Mother Earth.