Author: Roz Parr
Juneteenth: A Powerful Reminder
Oh, Say Can You See?
As They Are
Subanen People Rise to New Life
By Sister Andrea Catubig
Whenever I visit a family belonging to the Subanen indigenous people in the Philippines, I hear Palad-palad or “thank you” time and again.
More than 10 months have passed since I received a Sisters of Mercy grant for my ministry with the Subanen people, who live on Mindanao Island and suffer countless indignities, from ongoing colonization to exploitation by companies that extract minerals from their lands. But still I hear “palad-palad.”
World Environment Day: Recognizing We Are the Earth
Call to Inclusive Love and Abundant Justice
A Dangerous Prayer
Whichever Way You Turn There Is the Face of God
By Sister Sarita Vasquez
The Sisters of Mercy work to sustain all life by caring for Earth. In our dedication to discovering God in all things, we recognize the ecological spirituality that ties us to the beauty of creation.
As we celebrate the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, I am reminded of a book I read at the height of the pandemic, An Astonishing Secret by Daniel O’Learly.