
The Gift of Understanding

byRoz Parr

By Sister Pat Kenny — Let us rejoice in that, and let us pray for the grace to grow in the understanding of both others and ourselves and sharing that understanding generously and wisely.

Making the World a Better Place

byRoz Parr

Three students from Sisters Academy of Baltimore (Maryland) were honored to receive the top three awards in a middle school essay contest during Loyola University Maryland Field Trip Day in fall 2021. The essay question? How can we make the world a better place?

On Butterflies, on January 1

byRoz Parr

By Sister Pat Kenny — Our life spans outlast a butterfly’s by decades; they must do in a few days what we have years to accomplish, but don’t let that discrepancy fool you. There is purpose in every life.

New Beginnings

byRoz Parr

By Sister Luz Eugenia Alvarez – The beginning of a new year usually is a time when we make New Year’s resolutions, trying to be better people.

From Iran to Vermont: A Mercy Christmas Story

byRoz Parr

By Rowshan Nemazee, Mercy Associate — I didn’t think I was leaving my native country for good. Little could I have imagined that I would one day live in Vermont and become a Mercy Associate with the Sisters of Mercy.