

Watch this video of Pope Francis and reflect on his words.

Social Analysis of the Extractivism Development Model

As we engage in a social analysis of the extractive development model, we will learn about the various impacts of the extractive development model (social, communal, political, economic, etc.).

At this stage of the process, after we have deeply listened to the harms of extractivism, we continue to be cautious about any tendency to problem-solve or to make decisions about what should or could be done. The focus here requires us to ask, Why? rather than, What can we do?

Our analysis comes from a place of harmony and right relationship with the community of life. We remind ourselves that, as shared through the theological lenses, we, as humans, are within the dynamics of the planet. We are in a reciprocal, non-dominant relationship with the community of Earth. We can no longer take the view of subjugating Earth; rather, we are called to be responsible stewards.

When we engage in social analysis, we work to answer the question, What is really going on in this situation? We continue to ask and answer  questions to understand and analyze the situation. Authors Joe Holland and Peter Henriot define social analysis as “the effort to obtain a more complete picture of a social situation by exploring its historical and structural relationships.”

For an example of this type of analysis, view a two-part interview with Mercy Associate Nelly del Cid about the situation in Honduras. You may view part 1 here and part 2 here.   After watching the videos, you can reflect or journal on the following questions:

  • What did you learn from these interviews? 
  • Knowing the theological lenses we have explored and discussed, di you watch these interviews differently? 
  • What questions did these videos raise for you about where power resides and decision-making occurs? 
  • Where would you turn to learn more about the situations described centered in the experience of people, communities and Earth?

We do not need to be experts in extractivism or extractive industries, but we must be confident and informed to ask the right questions to uncover the systems that have made the extractive development model thrive. Recommended questions for reflection and journaling are framed below, and the answers to these questions should be developed in the experiences heard through our deep listening and seen through the various theological lenses that have been shared. You might also consider these questions in relation to extractivism in or near a community where you live or once lived.

Perspectives for Analysis

When we engage in social analysis, we review a situation through the following perspectives. You may find this Glossary of Terms helpful as you move through the systems and questions.


Production, distribution and consumption, and patterns of ownership and decision-making about land, capital, technology, resources and labor

  • Who owns?
  • Who controls?
  • Who benefits?
  • At whose expense does the economy benefit?
  • Do Black, Indigenous peoples, and Communities of Color benefit and have equitable access to economic resources?
  • What role does a global economy play in economic decision-making?
  • Where do we see a recentering that focuses on human relationships and all of creation rather than on profits?
  • How are the labor and needs of Black, Indigenous peoples and Communities of Color centered in the predominant economic model at play?


Structure and health of a country’s political system

  • Who has the power?
  • Who is making decisions? For whom?
  • Who has access to governmental decision making?
  • Who is prioritized in political decision making and policy setting?
  • Who is accountable?
  • What role does corruption play?
  • How do outside political structures influence decisions?
  • What role does judicial power play?
  • How are the judicial system, police and military being used against human rights and land defenders? (Are human rights and land defenders criminalized for their protection efforts?)
  • Are popular and social movements’ demands heard?
  • How is the current issue, policy or program shifting power dynamics to better integrate voices and priorities of communities of color?
  • Are there legal barriers to racial equity at play?


Health of land, water, air and living species

  • How do decisions impact the land, vital ecosystems and species in the short term?
  • How have decisions contributed to the climate emergency?
  • Who has access to clean resources?
  • Who determines access to water?
  • What priority does the health of the environment have in decision-making?
  • How are just relationships among all beings being prioritized?
  • How are Indigenous peoples’ social, cultural and ancestral rights to land honored?
  • Are corporate polluters and extractives industries held accountable for destruction and payment for remediation?
  • Do Indigenous peoples have control over ancestral territories?
  • What is the environmental impact for communities of color?


The flow of information to people

  • Who controls the messaging within the community and to the wider public?
  • Who owns the media or other information channels?
  • Who benefits from media messaging?
  • How is messaging manipulated?


How people relate to one another: ethnicity, race, class, age, gender

  • Who is damaged?  What do they lose?
  • Who is visible and valued to the decision makers?  Who is not? 
  • What is the basis for inclusion?
  • What is the basis for exclusion?
  • What systems have reinforced the decisions of inclusion and exclusion?
  • How do decisions reinforce white supremacy and colonialism?
  • How are we meaningfully including or excluding people (communities of color) who are affected? What policies, processes and social relationships contribute to the exclusion of communities most affected by inequities?
  • Are Black, Indigenous and leaders of color integral to social system and planning?

Additional resources to go deeper

Sister Terri Bednarz reflects on extractivism in her backyard 
The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth 
Mercy Justice Team member Jean Stokan talks about conquest, neocolonialism and women activists in the struggle against extractivism in Honduras in this 12-minute video 

Continue to Session 5