
Age 76

Throughout her 50 years in Mercy education – whether in parish elementary schools or sponsored schools of the Sister of Mercy – Sister Rosemary gave witness to Mercy core values. Her leadership as well as her empowerment of lay colleagues, staff, students, and families, were hallmarks of her ministry.

With a leap of faith Sister Rosemary moved from principal of Gwynedd Mercy Academy Elementary to Mercy Career and Technical High School (then Mercy Vocational High School), moving from a well- resourced school to one that had minimal if not few resources. With courage and tenacity, she embraced the many challenges before her. She was able to widen the circle of mercy, inviting donors, business leaders and others to embrace the dream for Mercy Career and Technical High School. 

She was the recent recipient of the Sister Corinne Raven Mercy Education Leadership Award.

Sister Rosemary radiated goodness to all. But it was most evident when she was with her family, friends, and community. She loved telling stories about them and spending time with them. She loved the shore and traveling even on a “bare bones budget.” Her life gave witness to her motto: “To labor to love Him.”