The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. The Day of the Dead, which is deeply rooted in Catholic traditions and the different cultures of the modern day countries of central to Southern Mexico, northern Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize, celebrates the lives of those who have died by intertwining the sacred with the festive.

Coinciding with All Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2), the first date, Día de los Angelitos, commemorates children who have died and the second date, Día de Muertos, acknowledges adults who have died. During these observances, people often build altars known as ofrendas in memory of their loved ones and display photographs, personal objects, flowers and the deceased’s favorite foods.

The Sisters of Mercy are also joining in this tradition of honoring the dead by creating a virtual altar and accepting your prayer intentions of those who are deceased.
We remember
Jim Brucia, Jan Sawyer, Lois Johnson, Russell Johnson, Mary Miller, Chuck Miller, Art Angst, Julie Morello, Jeri D.
Joseph Patrick Harper
Thomas John Rockett, my husband and Andrew Frank Rockett, my son
Waters, Easop family members, grandparents, friends
Sister Loretta Sullivan, RSM
Mary Honoree
Anthony Marks
Matt Simon, Florence and Edward DiPasquale, Joe and Mildred Simon
Helen Seibert
My dad, Eddie Hedrick
Sister Marcia Cetkowski RSM, Sue Cetkowski, Tom Cetkowski
Carol, Marguerite, Judy, Bobby Amann
Michael, Robert, and Christopher Reynolds
Tom Fahrner, Geralding Siegel, Edward Siegel, Ted Fahrner, Kathryn Fahrner
Mom and Dad
My father and mother: Henry and Geraldine Puchalski
Rosemary Herron, Andre Dembowski, Catherine Donegan, Catharine& Marty Lyons, Nora & Pat Farrell
John Farrell Mary Coome Joe Coomes
Kit, Charley and Don Shoulberg
John R and Diana Salak (parents), LaRae Salak Amos (sister), Larry Chack, Jr. (nephew)
Sister Joan Marie Messier
Sister Barbara McLean
Sister Dorothy Lord
John and Ida Mae Ducey; Sarah Brown
Sister Janice Turner
My sisters Judy and Betty who were greatly loved
Mary Hogan Thompson & (son) Patrick Thompson
John and Anna Baranowski
Connie Kampschmidt
Sister. Pat Forret (My Aunt)
Zoe Baumel (partner)
Sister Sheila Megley
Bennett and Velma Schwager, Josephine and Pete Hingtgen, Antone and Mathilda Schwager, Mike Britton, Christine Kastler, Claudette Schirratii
my parents and my sister Kathleen and Joseph McGurk and Mary Dwyer
Claire Leist
Larry – I miss your excitement at games and government actions. I miss going out for lunch. Playing with Layla…
Mary and Michael Kelly, Rev. James Kelly, CM, Mary and John Mc Kay, Rev. Louis Trotta, CM, S. Denis,
Dorothy DeBella, my mother, Deora Bodley, my niece died 911 on Flight 93
Richard Sauve, Carol Ann Cantrell, Sister Margot Schueneman
In Memory Of Sister Mary Margretta How we will miss your smile How we will miss you near You were so much a part of our lives To all of us you were dear We’ve asked God why He took you To live in His home above Because we don’t understand this We’ve lost someone we love We know that you are at peace now No longer have illness or pain And that is a comfort to our minds Though we wish we could touch you again We thank God for wonderful memories Of friends and happy times past Those pictures will have to sustain us Because you were taken away much too fast We look for a day when we’ll see you You’ll wait and prepare us a place In your heavenly home free of heartache Where you’ve met your God face to face Until that time our dear Sister Know that in life you were the glue That kept all things running smoothly Please give us the strength to live without you. Written by Arleen Booker in loving memory of my dear friend
Alice Griffin
Parents Julius and Mary Dargusch and brother Gerald Dargusch
two sons and my husband
Eugene, Helen, Henry, Susan, Aleksandra, Antony, Rita, Cynthia
Susana Zabala, my parents, grandparents, Vickie, Carlos, Dan, Raul
Leo Jackson, Marie Jackson, George Magee
Art Schierhoff
McGuire & DelSignore family members
My Mother and Father, Pauline and Tom
Monica, John, Herbert and Rita…parents
Frank& Margret Turner, Peter Turner, Dick Parenteau, Anna Cameron, Carole White, Tom Ward, Al of our sisters who have died and people who have died in the wars in ISisterael and Ukraine
Sister Consuela white, Sister Dolores, Sister Mary Michael, Sister Mary Fatima, Sister Sylvia Comer
My infant son Michael and my husband John
Sister. Elizabeth Bryson, Sister. Gertrude Donnelly, Sister. Irene Griffith, Sister. Eugenia Poulin and Sister. Jeannine O’Brien of St Mary’s convent in Newport, Rhode Island
All the deceased members of my family
Barbara Hiland, RSM
Deceased Philippine Sisters and the Buffalo Sisters who ministered there. Family members. All deceased Sisters of Mercy.
Mary Ellen, Mark, Dorothy, Raymond, Gary, James, Bernard, Elizabeth Harig
My family members – mother, father, sister, brothers and aunts
Elizabeth Meehan, Marie Meehan, Alice Meehan, Pete Meehan, Barbara Bowman Jane Meehan Charles Bowman, Albert Chelius, David Jackson
Jim Harvey, Sister. Theresa Kane, Marian Steffens
Stella & John Gawlik, my parents
Bernice Novak, Sharon and DelRey Ekler, Patricia Forret, Diane Davidson, Sean Crimmons, Regis Leahy, Patrick Ford Warren E. Novak
Gabe Brooks, Virginia Brooks, Judy Brooks Morgan, Robert H. Quinn, Bob Quinn, Mae Quinn.
Wilford E. Hughes, Gordon F. Fischer, Pauline M. Hughes, Michael James Hughes, Mary Margaret Hughes Keiser
Mary, Nancy, Tom, Theresa, and Eileen Rossiter; Fran & Roland Bender; Our parents, grandparents, and recently deceased Sisters of Mercy
Father, Bill Jordan and my aunt, Phyllis Jordan
Bud, Jen, and Yvonne Carufel
Ed,Sue,and Michael Dunphy
Sister Sylvia McClain, Sister Patrick McClain
Helen and Daniel Taddeo; Mark Joseph Taddeo; Daniel Joseph Taddeo; Bernard J. Devlin
My parents, Joseph and Mary and my two brothers, Joseph and Michael
S. Rosita Schiller, RSM
S. Karen Werra, RSM
Andy Graybush
Sister Margaret Deegan
My parents, my mother’s favorite hymn was, “Who shall I send?”
Judith Ann Fisher
Adam Saunders
Weston Gordon, Louisa & Peter Gordon, John Link, Pastora Link
Judie Billittier
My sisters and brothers, grateful for the life we shared. I miss you.
Sister Mary Dowden and Sister Grace Monroe
my friends who passed: Barbara, Evelyn, Ceil
Sharon Gillette, Jeannie Mosher, Chris Nyvall
Meg Gilbert
My parents, Jo and Mike Cain, for their love and faithfulness
John and Cecelia Luciani, John Luciani, Anna Gowen, Rosamond Ethier, RSM, Miriam Ann McBurnie, RSM
James Mc Dermott, Sister Cecilia Meighan RSM, Sister Shaun Patrick Mulligan RSM, Sister Mary Alice Saunders, Sister Ellen Mary Bringenberger
Louis Atripaldi
George F. Yost
Dorothy J. Yost
Gene Sobeleski
Harry L. Welshofer
Patricia Welshofer
Donna Yost
Frank Yost
Sister Mary O’Leary and Sister Mary Christeta (Cile) Ben Humphry, Jerry Loomer
James Hoff, my brother
May all our Ancestors intercede for everyone in our Extended-Family and Friends, as we offer our Loving Gratitude for all the Graces we continue receiving – Amen! Gratitude for the many Graces we continue to receive – AMEN!
Ethel M Pavlik
Pattie Godek Placek
Arlene Godek
My three siblings: Joan, Eddie and Mary
Frank Cavallo, Maria Ingargiola, Frank Ingargiola
Violet Steffer
Mike Oglesby, Ann Oglesby, Misti Steichen, Travis Ricklefs
Marie Jarvis, Harold Jarvis, Lillian Chasse, Gerald Chasse, Ralph Jarvis, Bud Jarvis, Ray Nieves
David Thomas Lyon
Charles E. Finnegan, Ruth Finnegan, Johnny Finnegan, Deacon Martin Finnegan, Band Sisters. Sister Mary Ann, Grandparents
John and Ellen Brennan
Thomas Newman, John Newman, Mary & Tony Newman, Mary & William Neubert, Mike Duda
Mary Jane Moore, my older sister.
The Sisters of Mercy at Mount St Mary Day School & the Infant Asylum in Manchester NH 1950-1960
Mary A Webb, Jewel K McCaffrey, Jerry Webb, Rev. David Forbes, Rev Evan Ardley, Norma Foley, John Michael Olxey, David Wharton, Grace and James Kesser, Jim Finley, Jewel and Joseph McCaffrey
Leon St. Cyr, all deceased members of the St. Cyr and Lizette families, souls in purgatory, conversion of sinners, for vocations to the priesthood and religious Sisters of Mercy to which I am a member. For the souls in purgatory.
My parents, James and Margaret Gorman. With gratitude for their love and sacrifices.
Ann Heavy
Sister Ann Cullen
My children, Emelie and Erik Lamb
Greg Davis, Sister Mary Costello, Sister Kathleen Turley, Bp. Howard Hubbard, Fr. Michael Farano, victims of wars in Ukraine and Middle East
Rita Lowden
Nancy Fischer
Richard & Kathryn Schoenfelder, Ed & Mary Mason, Marie Lynch, Velma Chrone, Lori Nystrom, Mary Reifsteck, Jenny Higgins
Levi Zielonka
The Charles O’Rourke Family
Sister Jody Kearney and Sister Pat Prinzing
Agnes and Joseph Schimscheiner, Veronica and Gordon Dow, Rita and Ed Fletcher, Sisters of Mercy, Robert Saldanha, Larry Jacobs, Mario and Florence Quaglia, Mr. and Mrs. Tavano, Mr. And Mrs. Brown, Christine and Al Manzel. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald
Betty Rankin, Bernard Quinn; Stella & Joe Cirasolo
Alice G. Henkel
Nicola Peck and Helen Martin
Carol Andruskevich Thibaudeau
Leona J Misto
Margaret Mary Dill Judy
Alice Meehan, Joseph Meehan, Elizabeth Meehan, Marie Meehan, Peter Meehan, Jane Meehan, Barbara Bowman, Charles Bowman, Albert Chelius, David Jackson, Eleanor Jackson, June Spence, Carmella Poukish, Adele Ray
William Rusinski
Sister Mary Mahoney, RSM
Agnes & Joseph Koreman
Kathleen L. Halbert, Mary Ann Dirr, RSM
Tom Kielb, my brother; Sister Fresia Toro, RSM, great friend
Elvira Vail
Edmund Patrick Vail
Sister Margaret Deegan, RSM, Sister Marie Joseph Crowley, RSM
Sister Nora Kelley, RSM
All the sisters who have died this year here at Catherine’s Residence
mom, dad, in-laws and aunts and uncles
Cynthia Sartor, Companion in Mercy
Marc Williams, Joseph Lowe, Jerry Fink and George Fink
Mary and Alex Hudak
All deceased members of the Orie and Florence Heid family. Jacob Fallon; Jane Fox RSM, Jeanine Kuhn PBVM, Liz Burns; Kent, Liz, Robert and Ron.
My Mom and Dad were very generous and loving parents. My Dad’s favorite saying was “not much money but awful nice honeys” They had 10 children. I also want to remember my dear friend, Sister Nancy Jones. We lived together 25 years and shared many ups and downs in life.
My father Carlos Alcides Alvarado Razuri
Olivine & Hugh MacDonald
Fr. Thomas Martin Hamilton
Dorothy Lord, RSM
Stan and Helen Janiak
My mother, Selma, who passed away on September 20th of this year
Patrick J Quinn, M. Irene Quinn and F. Jane Quinn
Marie Grassi (mercy educator 30+years)
Ramon-Landry families
Janet R Bielmann
Claire Mcgovern
Rita McDonnell, Bettse and Frank Fleming, Mary and Terry McDonnell
Timothy Hayes, Anne Murphy Springer, Anne and Jim McGlade, Joseph Migliaccio, James Ostlund, Al Fairhurst, Sister Clair Graham, Sister Jane McKirchy, Vern and Velma Hartley, Charles and Vera McCloud, Roy Little, Michael Shinto, Yuki Umesowa.
My beloved husband Anthony Villaggio & my son Michael Anthony Villaggio and my friends Fr. Jim Kennelly & Fr. Robin Gwyn
Gerry Giehl
My Dear Husband, Charles–and my mom (Thelma), Dad (Wren), and Baby Brother Patrick
Madelyn Marie Gordon, RSM
James Michael Rey, Todd Novak
Josephine & Fred Rojek Eileen Rojek, Eva & Majic Rojek
Ken Dunckel
Tim Centner
Sisters Arlene Semesky and Joanne Deck
Marie & Paul Gush, Russell Bigus Mary Ruddy, Lis
Helen & George Winterson, Susan Lozier, Allan Lozier, Carl Beig
My father
Daniel McKenzie
Delores W. Muir, Cronn, Joe Muir, Denise Muir Karen Muir
Michael Aloysius Reilly
Dr. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
Fresia Toro, Lourdette, Francine, Marie Carolyn, Carolyn and Bill Kelly, Gerard Tweedy, Matgretta
Grandson, Joey Bozart
Caballero and Alvirez Families, Antonio Romero Caballero, Magdalena Caballero, Carlos Antonio Caballero
Michael Justinger, Paul Seitz, Jim Thomas
Marion Schneider, John Schneider, Duane Herbal, Noni, Marion and Raymond VonBraunsbetg, Barbara and Fred Schneider
My parents, Anne Geiger and John Geiger…till we meet again and again
Harold and Shirley Berrian
My sons, Joseph and Allen Bachmann
Catherine McGinty
Loretta Hassan
Bill Good
Deceased members of the Devereaux Family, the deceased members of the McAleer family, the deceased members of the Peterson and Ianieri families, Sister Miriam de Lourdes, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D’Antonio
My parents Joseph and Marie Wolf, Sisters M. Pius Friel, RSM, Theresa Kane, RSM, Rosemary Ronk, RSM, Elizabeth Barrett, RSM, Emily George, RSM
Sister Marie Ann Ellmer
Kevin and Eric Dziuba
Brenda Courtenay Stewart
Nancy Courtenay Collins
Charles Robert Fennell, Sister
Joseph, Ruth, Ann and JR Beretta
Sister Patricia O’Neil, Bishop John Kinney, Thomas McKenna, Gary Eiler
Joseph and Eileen Conroy, Patrick Beaudoin, Winifred Conroy, Sister Edna Halse, RSM, Hermana Elena Uralde, MMB
My cousin, Dennis Hockney
Sister Patricia Forret
Oyenihun Agnes Oladimeji, Olubukola Suzanna Oladimeji, Cyril Ofoegbu
Sister Shelia Megley
Garet Christino, Anthony and Bettanne Christino, Max and Mary Fellin, Dolores and Steven Novotny, Frank and Pat Felli, The Sisters of Mercy from Dallas and Merion.
Associate Zolana (Zoe) Baumel
Phyllis E. Campion
Rosemary Frazee
Ed and Peg Wollen, Angie Wollen, Kris Wollen, Josh Wollen, James Octave, June Lemerande, Sue Wollen
My parents and brother, Sarah and William Solomon and Bill Solomon
In memory of my husband, Terry Hoscheid
Deceased Batory family members and friends
Our son, Brian Patrick Crouch
Sister Rosemary Gavin & Ethel Elizabeth Johnson
All of the Seidl\Gabriel families
My departed parents and brother.
Sister Mary Margretta Sol RSM
Ronald Broskoske, Eva Broskoske, Leo Broskoske, Mary Malacarne, David Price
Wife Rita
♥️Ruth, Filemon, Francisco, Refuge, Maria y Jose💕
Sister Mary Sophia Newcomb, RSM, Burlingame, Ca. my beloved Aunt.
Pete Cosfol
Charles & Rita Shelley
Robert & Joanne Polito
Sister Regina Shelley RSM
Stephen Brady
Joseph & Meta Meares
Sasha Lawrence Wong
Norman, Charlie and Jim Jokerst
August Vanacore, Julia Vanacore, Florence Conroy
Ada and Arthur Wilke
Carolyn Gibbs, Donna Halloran, Hap Halloran, Maria DeLourdes Viera
Sophia Pankow Wolcott. Robert B Wolcott. Sung Jin Choi. John William Wolcott. Tina Korpanty Wolcott. Harold Darmstedter. M/M Yoon Sang Choi. Yong Kee Choi
Carmen D. Gomez, Lenox Tougher, Carmen & Trinidad Vigil
Catherine P. Varca
My Grandparents and my mom: Leo and Lucy Mottolese and Anna Saulsbery. Rest in peace, I love you.
Marilyn T Hart
Virginia, John, and Mary Sekul
All family members of the Lena’s and Oliverd
My sister, Sister Nancy Cahill RSM
the Moross Family – all deceased
Thomas Heavey; Margaret and Patrick Meade; Thomas & Mary Heavey
Deceased family members, Waters & Easop family
Gary Marsella, Cecilia Hurwich, Sergio Negro, Joy Erro
Patricia Lasnover, Michael Lasnover, Nellie (Manuela) Beltran, Charles Van Wye, John Coker, Charles Coker
Mary Ann Baldassaro & Ari Lopez
Mary C. Santillan
Helen and Clifford Compton, Irma and Thomas D’Alessio, Monsignor Michael J. Corona, Sister Mary Kerwin, RSM, Sister Alphonsus Kennedy, RSM, Sister Blaise, RSM, and Kevin Kohlweck
Michael and Leona Donigan, Michael and Shirley Donigan, Richard and Kathleen Brenz, James Agan.
Georg Hans Eck
Dorothy DeConinck Boehm
Leona, Harvey, Josephine, Harry Schulte. Margret and James Moore, John, Helen Wichlenski
Joan Gavron, R.S.M.
My late wife, Jacqueline
Sister Simonne Laflamme, Sister Sylvia Comer, Sister Anne Fitzpatrick, Sister Mary Laboure, Sister Josephine Flanagan, Sister Aline, Sister Louise, Sister Mary Fatima, Sister Jean Little, Sister Mary Consuela, Sister Regina Marie, Sister Doris Beaulieu
The Perraults and Roncerays
Kimberly Grace Massett
Gus and Anty Piscitello
Joahn Cardinal Dearden, Archbishop of Detroit, Council Father, first elected Pres. of NCCB
Josephine and Charles Margiotta; Adeline and Charles van horn
Thomas John Rockett
parents Kenneth and Jean
Laurences, Steiners, Kountzs, Priests, Brothers, Sisters of Mercy
Ethel Bagos Pavlik
Rita Keefe
Richard Spanbauer
Rita & Frank Gallipeau; Pat & Len Myers
Associate Dorothy Zeiser, Former Mercy nuns: Dottie Bracken Evangelista & Jane Yetman Gallagher
Paul F Troha
Sister Inés Villani, Sister Magdalena Leavy, Edward Massolo
The Deceased Members of the Heenan Family: John, Sister, Marie, Jack, Betty Anne, and Kathleen
Erin DiDonato and Mary Guarnieri
Dorothea Hughes
Carl A. Ditmore
My wonderful, beautiful inside and out, daughter-in-law, Darlene Faith Barberio Payne who died April 7, 2024
Don and Harriet Langel
Antonio R Caballero, Magdalena Caballero, Carlos Antonio Caballero, Henry David Barron, Caballero Family, Alvirez Family, Lopez Family, Gonzales Family
Christine and Paul Prendergast Fletcher Bennett. Michael Verducci
Joseph Bui-Tuong and MaryAnne Phuong Bui (My Parents )
My Mom and Dad; my tias Lily and Lupe
Frederick and Ruth Jellison
Henry Magendantz
Brendan, my beloved husband
My brother, my mom, my grandparents and my dear friend Alex.
Sister Barbara Mary Marshall
Thomas O’Brien
Art Schierhoff
Sister Virginia Lacker and Roy Santarella
Joe and Betsy Noga
Carl A. Ditmore
My mother, Carmela festa
Michael Evans
Frank & Margaret Turner, Peter Turner, Carol and Tom Ward, Anna Cameron, Barbara Smith our Community Sisters who have died this year. John Spencer, SJ
Robert M. Steinberger
Linda Powell, Sister Mary Corkery, RSM, Dolores Lange, Bruce Lange, Elsie Lord and Alice Denver.
Casey Bates, Jean and Paul Conly, Charles, Tom, Joe, Paul
Iris Blackman (my mother)
Joseph & Mary FitzGibbons
Bernard Buckert
Dan Donahue
Thomas & Kathleen Mangan
Steven Driml, Victoria Driml, Louis Driml, Blanche Safranek, Charles Safranek, Barbara Kratky
Sister Constance Mary Kozel, RSM
Michael & Mary Kelly, Rev. James Kelly, CM, John & Mary McKay, S. Mary Denis, RSM, S. Mary Francis, RSM, S. Mary Francisca, CSJ, S. Mary Immaculate, RSM, S. Regina Shelley, RSM James & Catherine Kelly, Patrick & Margaret Kelly, Rev. Louis Trotta, CM, Rev. Francis Prior, CM, Rev. Thomas Concagh, CM, Rev. Edward Young, CM, S. Joan Cecilia, OP.
Bunny Lawlor, Sister Benedict Mary, Sister Fenton Joseph, Mother Michael, Dr John M Lawlor
Deceased members of the Rowan and Monaco families; Tom Kearney; Larry Cusack
My stepfather, Bob Vernon
My Parents, Rita and James; my husband Thomas
Clifford Orman
Parents: Michael and Margaret Power, Nephew Terry Power, Sister M. Francella Schaapveld, Dusky Manley
Hermanas Caridad Desell, Nativdad Alonzo and Associates for their Mercy service in Chanmagua.
Florence Andersen Callone, Manuel Joseph Callone, William Leo Flynn, Christopher Petit, Mary O’Kane, Roger Kromholm
Tom Blankemeyer
Mike and Jennie Paluka and all deceased members of the Paluka family
Katherine Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan jr. and John Ryan
Richard and Susan Kuykendall
Sister Frances Lynch RSM
Sister Rosemary Floersch
Laura Seymour Opperman
David Webber Johnston
David Webber Johnston
Parents, Isabel and Otto Afanador, Friends : Olguita & Luchó Sanmiguel , Aida Young , son & husband , Elena Morrison, Amin Shoucair,
Sister Pascal Figueroa, Sister Marjorie Williams, Sister Cabrini, Sister Carmen, Sister Bernadette , Sister Ágatha
Victoria L. Navarrete, Pedro Muñoz Ríos,Cecilia Navarrete, Francisco Pérez Ordóñez, Henry & Amelia Afanador, Elena Jaar de Dabdoub,Angelita Afanador, Marc-Anthony Dabdoub, Elizabeth-Anne D. Miladeh, John Abraham Dabdoub, Carmen M.Dabdoub, María Teresa Dabdoub
Mother, Father, Mother-in-law, Father-in-Law, Brother
“I would like to post this on your altar of the dead in memory of my dear friend, Sister Mary Margretta Sol RSM, who passed away on October 25, 2023. She is surely missed. Thank you.
Sister Mary Margretta
How we will miss your smile – How we will miss you near – You were so much a part of our lives – To all of us you were dear – We’ve asked God why He took you – To live in His home above – Because we don’t understand this – We’ve lost someone we love – We know that you are at peace now – No longer have illness or pain – And that is a comfort to our minds – Though we wish we could touch you again – We thank God for wonderful memories – Of friends and happy times past – Those pictures will have to sustain us – Because you were taken away much too fast – We look for a day when we’ll see you – You’ll wait and prepare us a place – In your heavenly home free of heartache – Where you’ve met your God face to face – Until that time our dear Sister – Know that in life you were the glue – That kept all things running smoothly – Please give us the strength to live without you — Written by Arleen Booker in loving memory of my dear friend
Marge, Carl and Greg Knoblock…who shared love unconditionally teaching me to do the same