
By Sister Fran Repka

Given our illusions of
invincibility and greed;
Fears of scarcity leading
to the darkness of hoarding;
Our unceasing efforts to control
and master nature’s elements;

Might God’s “call” be Light? Community?
To live a new way of BEing with all creation?
Listening more deeply
To cries of the Earth –
For simplicity, collaboration, balance

Opening wide our eyes
To economic, racial, and gender injustices –
Insisting on human dignity for all (no exceptions)
and actively sharing the wealth

Focusing on our responses to COVID-19 – not on the cause
The healthy assisting the ill and suffering.
The rich compassionate and generous with those who struggle.
The poor never losing hope for economic security, healthy families.

Building Pope Francis’ Culture of Encounter
Among races, creeds, gender, and age –
Communities of diversity, compassion, and connection

Perhaps together we will then discover
What it means to be Church –
Outside of a Church Building –
That it is LOVE that holds the universe together – God among us!

Photo Credit: Sister Lucille Ciafre, Used with permission