
We invite you to spend some contemplative time over the summer and journey with us on a retreat exploring the theme of Communion. Will you join us?

As we prepare ourselves, allow us to open up to the whisperings of God’s spirit by contemplating these two questions:

What is the grace of God I ask during retreat?

What does God desire of me in this retreat?  

Discernment Prayer

God of our ordinary days and nights,
God of extraordinary times, together we pray-
guide our discerning and our deciding.
Attune our hearts to the murmurings
both of peace and of disquiet,
so that, aware of risk and of promise,
we move trustfully into the future.
Uncloud our eyes to know what we need to leave,
what to seek, and what to hold for the journey,
that we will find our feet on the right track,
walking the merciful path, led by your unerring Spirit.
Together we pray- for the love of Jesus, with the help of Mary,
in the company of Catherine. Amen.

-Sister Mary Wickham, RSM

Retreat Days

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