Welcome to Awakening to a New Consciousness — an Institute-wide theological reflection process that has been thoughtfully designed as a unique opportunity to come together as a Mercy family to:
- Deeply listen to the experiences of those most impacted by extractive industries;
- Deeply engage in theological reflection and social analysis;
- Prepare for deep transformation as individuals, as community and as an Institute.

All members of the Mercy community are invited to learn more about the extractives industry and how it affects people, community and Earth by reading and reflecting on the information below.
Please contact justice@sistersofmercy.org with any questions.
We hear the call of our suffering world. The impoverishment of peoples, the devastation of Earth and oppressive social norms and systems call us at this moment to act….To intensify our efforts to align our investments with our values and, especially now, to pursue education and action against practices of extractive industries that are destroying people, communities and Earth.
Chapter 2017 Recommitment Statement