“Corona” and “Clouds”
By Sister MaryAnn Kosakoski

This is a holy time
When we share space
Alone with all the earth.
The holy ground we step on
Speaks of sickness and pain
But still we walk
Together in hope toward
We help and we wish
That our waiting
Will be enough.

Soft beauty
Hung below heaven
High, but low enough
For me
To see a way
To raise my earthly self…
To rise above the green
Surrounding all with
I soar on gentle winds,
Stretching, letting go
To catch a glimpse
Of boundlessness…
And there you are
Floating with me
Yet always
Face to face.
Photo Credits and Descriptions:
— Photo of bridge in forest: by Sister Susan Ruedy. Used with permission. — Sister Susan’s description of her photo: In September 2019, Sister Claudia Cano and I moved to rural Eastern Kentucky. We live in Clay County, which is known as “the land of the swinging bridges.” We have been intentional about finding and visiting each of these bridges. This is the Farmer Road Swinging Bridge in Big Creek, Kentucky. I took the picture on August 30, 2020.
— Photo of clouds: by Sister Leslie Porreca. Used with permission — Sister Leslie’s description of her photo: “Taken when I was in Vermont on retreat. I was praying with the theme of love in nature, love of God, love of human community—how much our world needs to be loved in this time. I looked up and I saw the heart in the clouds!”