
Let us begin our day with a song: 

Morning Has Broken—Cat Stevens

Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, said: “If the love of God really reigns in your heart, it will show itself in the exterior.”  I invite you, loving God, to help me remember and to deeply understand how much you truly love me.  Then, I ask you to help me live that love so others may see and know you more deeply.

Let us ponder these verses from Psalm 139 from Nan Merrill’s Psalms for Praying:

O my Beloved, You have searched me
and known me!
You know when I sit down and
when I rise up;
You discern my innermost thoughts.
You find me on the journey and guide my steps;
You know my strengths and my weaknesses.
even before words rise up in prayer,
lo, You have already heard
my heart call.
You encompass me with love where’er
I go, and your strength is my shield.

For you formed my inward being,
You knit me together in my
mother’s womb.
I praise You, for You are to be
reverenced and adored.
Your mysteries fill me with wonder!
More than I know myself do you know me;
my essence was not hidden from You,
when I was being formed in secret,
intricately fashioned from the
elements of the earth.

I yearn to come to You in love,
to learn of your mercy and wisdom.
Search me, O my Beloved, and know
my heart!
Try me and discern my thoughts!
Help me to face the darkness within me;
enlighten me, that I might
radiate your love and light!

What is it like to be known so deeply?
What is it like to be loved so deeply?
How might I rest in this love so I can live it more fully?

The poet Edwina Gately offers us wisdom for resting in God’s love.

 Let Your God Love You 

Be silent.
Be still.
Before your God.
Say nothing.
Ask nothing.
Be silent.
Be still.
Let your God look upon you.
That is all.
God knows.
God understands.
God loves you
With an enormous love,
And only wants
To look upon you
With that love.

Let your God—
Love you.

Edwina Gately

Let us pray…

Gentle, loving God, I come before you today with an open heart.  Help me let you love me.  Love me so that I know your presence and love in the core of my being.  Then, help me radiate your sweet love to others.  Our broken world is in need of your light and love.  Use me as your messenger today.

Let us close this time with a song recorded by Karen Drucker: There Is Only Love – Karen Drucker