Author: Roz Parr
Mercy Urgent Care responds ‘heroically’ to Hurricane Helene
Julia Greeley
Mary Fanous: Grateful for Mercy’s ‘Guardian Angels’
Paul Rauch: Spreading ‘Infectious Kindness’ with Sister Barbara Faber, RSM
Mary Hogarty: ‘Mercy Is Like Family’
Henriette DeLille
Mother Mary Lange
Pierre Toussaint
They Are Not Gone, They Are With Us Still
This ‘Nun on the Bus’ rides for God’s people & planet
I agreed to participate with the “Nuns on the Bus” because the U.S. election on November 5, 2024, is extraordinarily important. I wanted to join other sisters in raising awareness about the issues that Catholic voters and other people of goodwill should consider when casting their ballots. Our country’s future and that of the planet is at stake in this election as never before.
Living as people of hope: A reflection on Season of Creation
The theme chosen for this year’s observance of the Season of Creation is “To Hope and Act With Creation,” based on this scripture passage.
Let’s reflect a bit on the meaning of the word “hope.”