
Sisters of Mercy Announce 2022 Winners of Social Justice Video Contest

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The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas announced the winners of the sixth annual Social Justice Video Contest today. First place was awarded a group of three students from Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School in Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania.

Meena Balaratna, Elizabeth Romano, and Kristen Yezzi submitted Protect Our Earth. The winning video features a rap that details the dangers of climate change and its effects on our planet. The students’ creative rhymes and use of impactful facts helped them earn first place.

The second place winner was from Our Lady of Mercy High School in Rochester, New York. Kathryn Mor created a video called Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind that illustrates the ways Catholic Charities Family and Community Services helps immigrants and refugees. Her video features poignant quotes and reminds us why it is necessary to make the United States a welcoming place for all.

“This year’s video entries shared important ideas in creative ways. I think viewers will be drawn in to the Mercy Critical Concerns by these efforts,” said Mike Poulin, Justice Resource Manager for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

The video contest was launched in 2017 as a way to connect high school and college students at Sisters of Mercy-sponsored schools with the five Critical Concerns of the Congregation: care for Earth, nonviolence, the elimination of racism, just treatment for migrants, and attention to the education, health, and spirituality of women. Each video creatively explores one or more of the Critical Concerns.

You can watch the winning videos below.

First Place Winner

Meena Balaratna, Elizabeth Romano and Kristen Yezzi
“Protect our Earth”
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School
Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania

Second Place Winner

Kathryn Mor
“Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind”
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
Rochester, New York

For media inquiries, contact Bob Keenan: