
Embodying the Mercy of God for a better world.

Our Faith & Values
Sisters of Mercy Mourn the Passing of Sister Theresa Kane, RSM

Press Release

Sisters of Mercy Mourn the Passing of Sister Theresa Kane, RSM

2024 Jubilarians


2024 Jubilarians

Transforming Grace


Transforming Grace

Explore Your Faith

As Sisters of Mercy, we offer spiritual resources through our prayers, spiritual reflections and our retreat centers. Many of our sisters serve as spiritual directors and help people take time to reflect and see God working in their lives.

  • Pray with us

    Prayer Resources

    Prayer is at the center of our lives as a religious community. And we invite you to share these resources for your own prayer life.


  • Reflect and see God

    Spiritual Reflections

    We can assist in walking with you on your spiritual journey. Our retreat centers can connect those seeking spiritual growth with a trained spiritual director who can offer wisdom and guidance.


  • Ask for prayers

    Prayer Intentions

    We believe in the power of prayer as an act of worshiping God, who hears and answers our prayers. Let us hold you in the light of prayer.

    Submit your intention

    Submit your intention

A Community of Faith in Motion

We carry out the mission of mercy guided by prayerful consideration of the needs of our time. Our daily lives as Sisters of Mercy are rooted in four core values inspired by the life of our founder Catherine McAuley:

Our Fourth Vow: Service

In addition to the three vows all Catholic sisters take (poverty, chastity, and obedience), as Sisters of Mercy, we also take a fourth vow of service.

Service and Mercy

Where We Are

We are the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

More Alike Than Different

Since 1998, the Mercy Ambassadors Program offers students at Colegio Santa Ethnea (Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and U.S. Mercy schools the opportunity to participate in a foreign exchange study. After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cycle that started in February 2020 was completed in June 2022. Lucía García Fernández, who heads the program in Argentina, shared the following: Within the framework of the Mercy Ambassadors Program (MAP), Lily Adams and Anna Koeberlein, students from Assumption High School (Louisville, Kentucky) visited Colegio Santa Ethnea during the month of June. They shared school life for three weeks, at all levels and in all the areas of our school. Before returning home, they expressed their gratitude for this incredible experience, full of memories that they will keep in their hearts forever.

read story titled More Alike Than Different

Overcoming Racism with Mercy: Two Black Sisters of Mercy Share Their Stories

As part of our commemoration of Black Catholic History Month, we share this story of two Sisters of Mercy — Sister Larretta Elizabeth Rivera-Williams and Sister Boreta Singleton.

read story titled Overcoming Racism with Mercy: Two Black Sisters of Mercy Share Their Stories

Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama

By Sister Edia Lopez After two powerful hurricanes, ETA and IOTA, struck Central America in 2020, Sisters of Mercy in Panama moved to support the disaster victims and help with their immediate needs. However, after experiencing the disaster and the flooding caused by the storms, we wondered what hope there was for Mother Earth.

read story titled Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama

Philippines sisters respond to Christmas flooding and landslides

By Catherine Walsh, Features Writer - Flooding and landslides caused by torrential Christmas rains in the southern Philippines moved Sisters of Mercy there to spring into action to offer help to those affected. Amid the relentless rain, Sister Helen Libo-on, a local leader of the sisters, called Sister Virgencita “JenJen” Alegado, a fellow leader. “I told her, ‘JenJen, we are in trouble here!’”

read story titled Philippines sisters respond to Christmas flooding and landslides

Catherine and Abebech: Women Who Served our Broken World

By Adelaida Eduvala — Catherine’s story reminds me of another woman who used her God-given gifts to serve the least among us and whose life inspires me as a teacher of children.

read story titled Catherine and Abebech: Women Who Served our Broken World

Responding to Earth’s Cry in Jamaica and the Caribbean

By Sister Maria Teresa Muhuhu — Responding to Earth’s cry is a sacred calling for Sisters of Mercy of the Americas in Jamaica and the Caribbean. It is not optional. At stake are the lives of the people we serve—women, children, migrants, people made poor—and the very existence of the beautiful islands we call home.

read story titled Responding to Earth’s Cry in Jamaica and the Caribbean

COP27: Are we walking into a desert?

By Sister Ana María Siufi - The Conference of the Parties, COP27, was held in November in Egypt to review and move ahead with agreements on climate change. I was part of the Mercy Global Action (MGA) delegation, along with Sister Angela Reed (MGA director), Cecilie Kern (from the MGA office), and Sister Magdalene Musau from Kenya. The experience was challenging and educational.

read story titled COP27: Are we walking into a desert?

South America

More Alike Than Different

Since 1998, the Mercy Ambassadors Program offers students at Colegio Santa Ethnea (Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and U.S. Mercy schools the opportunity to participate in a foreign exchange study. After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cycle that started in February 2020 was completed in June 2022. Lucía García Fernández, who heads the program in Argentina, shared the following: Within the framework of the Mercy Ambassadors Program (MAP), Lily Adams and Anna Koeberlein, students from Assumption High School (Louisville, Kentucky) visited Colegio Santa Ethnea during the month of June. They shared school life for three weeks, at all levels and in all the areas of our school. Before returning home, they expressed their gratitude for this incredible experience, full of memories that they will keep in their hearts forever.

read story titled More Alike Than Different

United States

Overcoming Racism with Mercy: Two Black Sisters of Mercy Share Their Stories

As part of our commemoration of Black Catholic History Month, we share this story of two Sisters of Mercy — Sister Larretta Elizabeth Rivera-Williams and Sister Boreta Singleton.

read story titled Overcoming Racism with Mercy: Two Black Sisters of Mercy Share Their Stories

Central America

Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama

By Sister Edia Lopez After two powerful hurricanes, ETA and IOTA, struck Central America in 2020, Sisters of Mercy in Panama moved to support the disaster victims and help with their immediate needs. However, after experiencing the disaster and the flooding caused by the storms, we wondered what hope there was for Mother Earth.

read story titled Earth, Life and Hope: Caring for Mother Earth Through Sustainable Farming in Panama


Philippines sisters respond to Christmas flooding and landslides

By Catherine Walsh, Features Writer - Flooding and landslides caused by torrential Christmas rains in the southern Philippines moved Sisters of Mercy there to spring into action to offer help to those affected. Amid the relentless rain, Sister Helen Libo-on, a local leader of the sisters, called Sister Virgencita “JenJen” Alegado, a fellow leader. “I told her, ‘JenJen, we are in trouble here!’”

read story titled Philippines sisters respond to Christmas flooding and landslides


Catherine and Abebech: Women Who Served our Broken World

By Adelaida Eduvala — Catherine’s story reminds me of another woman who used her God-given gifts to serve the least among us and whose life inspires me as a teacher of children.

read story titled Catherine and Abebech: Women Who Served our Broken World


Responding to Earth’s Cry in Jamaica and the Caribbean

By Sister Maria Teresa Muhuhu — Responding to Earth’s cry is a sacred calling for Sisters of Mercy of the Americas in Jamaica and the Caribbean. It is not optional. At stake are the lives of the people we serve—women, children, migrants, people made poor—and the very existence of the beautiful islands we call home.

read story titled Responding to Earth’s Cry in Jamaica and the Caribbean


COP27: Are we walking into a desert?

By Sister Ana María Siufi - The Conference of the Parties, COP27, was held in November in Egypt to review and move ahead with agreements on climate change. I was part of the Mercy Global Action (MGA) delegation, along with Sister Angela Reed (MGA director), Cecilie Kern (from the MGA office), and Sister Magdalene Musau from Kenya. The experience was challenging and educational.

read story titled COP27: Are we walking into a desert?